Approved Traps for Pest Control
The Best Squirrel traps

The Best Squirrel Trap

Are Squirrel Traps Legal in the UK ?

Just as for most other things, there are laws, acts and recommended best practices related to the use of traps to catch wild animals.  So, if you decide to use a trap, you will be responsible for using it within the law and for what it catches.  Traps are only tools, and just like a hammer, screwdriver or a ladder, they don't do anything on their own - so don't think you can blame the trap!

The laws are made to protect wildlife, they are not intended to prevent you from ridding your property of animals that are doing damage.

Grey Squirrels Sciurus carolinensis are not protected in the UK, and nor are they protected in many other countries where they have been introduced and have become a serious pest .  If they are damaging your home, trees, crops or property you may legally use traps to catch and destroy them using humane methods only.

How to get rid of squirrels in the garden

Grey squirrels are intelligent and quick to learn and many people find their behaviour interesting and charming.  Although they are a native of the forests of the eastern USA, they have successfully adapted to living in our towns and gardens.  They can become quite bold and soon learn to raid bird tables and hanging bird feeders which are often destroyed by their strong sharp incisor teeth.  They use their incisors to strip the bark from valuable trees in woodland, orchards, parks and gardens where they can become a serious pest.  They are also known to rob songbird nests of eggs and fledglings.

Your choice of trap will depend upon several factors such as the garden layout, location and particularly your own abilities.  Your particular circumstances may also determine whether you choose a Humane Kill Squirrel Trap or a Live Catch Cage Trap.

Traditional Live Catch Cage Traps

These traps are sometimes referred to as Humane Live Traps, but it is not the traps that are humane, it is the way that they are used.  It is hardly humane when a squirrel is left in a trap overnight and dies from hypothermia or is captive inside an exposed cage being worried by the neighbour's cat.  If you need to use this type of trap it should be covered to provide the trapped animal with protection from the weather and predators.  You will also need to devise a means that prevents non-target animals and birds from getting in while allowing squirrels to enter.

The Elgeeco Squirrel Trap and Bird Feeder is mounted on a tree trunk, the side of a fence or wall, away from predators and non-target animals.  There is an optional Refuge Cage attachment available for those who may not be able to check their trap as often as they would wish and which can also be used as a discrete aid for dispatching squirrels humanely.   The Elgeeco Squirrel Trap is the most effective live catch trap for grey squirrels.

Having caught the nuisance grey squirrel in a live capture trap, it must then be destroyed quickly and humanely.  If you decide on a single shot in the head with powerful air weapon, then rather than chasing the distressed animal around the cage, use a trap comb or two to immobilise the animal.

Traps that Kill

 If you feel that you may not be able to carry out the deed humanely yourself, a trap that kills the squirrel may be an alternative solution.


To View and Purchase Elgeeco Approved Traps for Pest Control  Please click here

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Procull Humane Kill

 Squirrel Trap

 Designed and Engineered by Elgeeco


Elgeeco Squirrel Trap and Bird Feeder

Designed and Engineered by Elgeeco.

Foldable Clam Action

Pigeon Trap

Designed and Engineered by Elgeeco