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Why use a Refuge Cage?

All squirrels are vulnerable to cold and wet weather and they may not survive if held captive for a long period or overnight in an open cage trap.

Animals captured in cage traps set on the ground are vulnerable to attacks from foxes, badgers, crows, cats  and dogs.

Although the Elgeeco Squirrel Trap is up off the ground away from predators, a covered refuge cage or box attached below the floor door provides a darkened weatherproof compartment into which a captured squirrel can retreat if it wishes.

In red squirrels areas, nesting material can also be put inside the cage or box.

Refuge Cages are easy to secure to the bottom of the Elgeeco Squirrel Trap with garden wire.


The Elgeeco Squirrel Trap has a separate releasing door

Squirrel Trap Refuge Cages

Covered Refuge Cages provide shelter from weather and predators

The Elgeeco Squirrel Trap floor door